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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Tuition & Fees Payment Options

  • 金沙贵宾会线路中心的全部学杂费应在学期截止日期前通过以下选择之一支付,否则您的课程将被取消注册.
  • Invoices are not mailed. You must check your account balance online 并在学历上公布的到期日之前支付任何到期余额.
  • 如果您使用NSF支票付款(资金不足),您将被取消注册.
选项1 -使用万事达卡,Visa, Discover或E-check在线支付全额

Login to your student account to make your payment online.

After logging into your student account,

  • Select “Bills and Payment” link on the left side.
  • Select “Make a Payment”.
  • Select the institution you want to pay (ie: St. Paul College-Comm and Tech College).
    Enter the amount of your payment and click continue.
  • This will bring you to the USBank payment site. 在接下来的几个屏幕中,按照指示完成付款过程.
Option 2 - Pay Full Amount in Person

Payments of cash, check, money order, Visa, 在营业时间内,金沙贵宾会线路中心学费办公室接受万事达卡和发现卡.

Option 3 - Pay Full Amount by Mail

如果您亲自注册,您将收到一份显示您的余额的费用报表. 如果你在网上注册,你可以打印出你的费用清单. 将您的付款邮寄至:金沙贵宾会线路中心-学费办公室, 235 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55102, 不迟于学费到期前五个工作日. 请在支票上注明您的学生证号码、电话号码和姓名. Do not send cash.

Option 4 - Pay Full Amount in Drop Box

在下班后将学费放入学费办公室窗口外的投递箱中. 请在您的支票、汇款单上注明您的学生证号码、电话号码和姓名.

Option 5 - Start an NBS payment plan Online through eServices.
  • Nelnet Business Solutions (NBS)是一家第三方学费管理公司. 他们会制定一个付款时间表,并将你的付款转交给学费办公室.
  • Any changes to the amount of your agreement, due to financial aid, third party awards, dropped or added classes, 必须在你的下一个付款截止日期前五个工作日到达学费办公室.
  • 你必须在每月还款到期日有足够的资金在你的账户里, or NBS and your bank will charge you an NSF fee.
  • Start an NBS Payment plan online through eServices.
  • To start your NBS Payment plan through eServices click on "Bills and Payments" and "Payment Plan".
Option 6 - Pay with Financial Aid


由财政援助办公室在学费截止日期前至少一周提交.  This report
is the result of a submitted financial aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  
Apply online early at and allow 2 weeks for ISIR processing.  



Option 7 - Third Party Billing & Payments

Students who receive funding from scholarships, sponsoring agencies, or organizations will have their tuition deferred. Authorizations should be submitted using the Saint Paul College Authorization for Payment (PDF) 或者是提供相同信息的类似形式. 学生有责任确保学费办公室在学费到期日前一周收到第三方的适当授权.

Option 8 – F-1 International Students Only

对于F-1国际学生,可以使用 Flywire.

Notice to All Students

Invoices are not mailed. You must check your account balance online 并在学历上公布的到期日之前支付任何到期余额.

  • 您有责任在课程时间表上公布的截止日期之前取消注册或支付任何到期余额. 不出席或不付款不是取消,您将负责支付所欠的任何金额.
  • 如果您的帐户有任何未支付的费用,将被收取滞纳金. For example:
    • 你没有签署足够的钱从你的银行账户被国家统计局的付款计划.
    • 当国家统计局试图收取你的付款时,你的银行账户是NSF.
    • 您更改了您的注册,导致7个选项之一未涵盖的额外费用.
    • 你的经济援助或第三方奖励不足以支付你的学费, leaving an unpaid balance.
    • 你有可用的贷款,但没有签署本票来激活贷款, leaving an unpaid balance.
    • You registered for classes, didn't pay by the due date, were deregistered, and want to be registered again.
  • 被取消注册后重新注册:当你被带离课堂时, there was a hold put on your account. 你可以先到学费办公室重新注册. 如果你们能提供有担保的资金,我们将解除订单, adequate financial aid, or authorization papers.
  • 对于任何未付的余额,您的帐户将被保留,您的帐户将被转交给外部催收机构.

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