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Saint Paul College A Community & 技术学院

​​​​​​​Services for Faculty

Course-integrated 图书馆 Instruction

There are several options for course-integrated library instruction: classroom instruction, embedded librarian assistance, and asynchronous library instruction modules. 图书馆 faculty will also create and manage 研究指南 for courses or departments. Faculty are encouraged to utilize more than one option.​


Librarians design instruction tailored to assignments and appropriate for the course level. Librarians will visit your class via Zoom or in-person. To set-up an instruction session, email the librarians at: Librarians@imkraken.net

Please note: We are unable to accommodate requests that are less than one week before the instruction date.

Asynchronous 图书馆 Instruction Modules

Asynchronous library instruction modules can be found in the Learning Object Repository (LOR) in D2L. The modules can be used to replace or supplement in-class library instruction. For module descriptions and additional information see the Asynchronous Instruction Modules 页面.

If you would like a module designed for your course, please contact the librarians at: Librarians@imkraken.net


Research guides are tailored to course assignments and course level. The guides can include open resources as well as library resources. 请参阅我们的 研究指南 为例子.

If you would like a research guide developed for your course, please contact the librarians at: Librarians@imkraken.net

Recommend 图书馆 Materials

Faculty suggestions for the collection are greatly appreciated. 给我们发邮件建议.

Open Educational 资源

Open Educational 资源 are open access (free online) textbooks, 视频, and other materials for classroom use. Many resources can be remixed and repurposed. 看到我们的 OER guide for more information.

Assigning 图书馆 资源

Faculty are encouraged to assign readings and 视频 from library databases. 看到我们的 Selecting Texts guide for more information on finding, selecting, and correctly linking to resources.


The 图书馆 does not order print textbooks. However, we can place textbooks on reserve. We also welcome suggestions for materials that can be accessed by multiple students simultaneously, such as eBooks or streaming 视频. 给我们发邮件建议.


Faculty may place their own books on reserve for students by bringing the item to the Service Desk. Reserve items are limited to two-hour check outs and do not leave the library.


Faculty may place items on reserve for the purposes of using them in class. This ensures that the item is available when needed. Email library staff to request a hold​. Please include the title and date that you would like it held.

教与学 资源

The 图书馆 has resources for the 专业发展 of faculty as educators. 看到我们的 教与学 Collection for featured books and other details.

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