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Saint Paul College A Community & 技术学院



Saint Paul College offers over 100 programs. These programs include Business, 职业生涯 & Technical, STEM, 健康 Science, Liberal Arts, and 转移 options. A full list of programs can be viewed at 学术项目 at Saint Paul College.


We strive to make all students feel welcome on our campus. Special efforts in place for 服务 members, veterans, and their families include:

  • Recognition as an active 黄丝带之外 organization that proactively serves veterans and their families
  • Instructors and staff training in understanding how military culture impacts students
  • A dedicated Veteran Center on campus
  • Distant learning options available for mobilized 服务 members
  • Active military recognition throughout the year (i.e., dedicated parking, graduation recognition, and special veteran celebration events)
  • Accommodations for both physical and mental disabilities 访问 & 残疾人服务
  • Rich history of military-affiliated alumni making positive impacts around the world
金融 & Education Benefits Support

退伍军人法案(联邦) & 申请地址: 联邦退伍军人法案 or 明尼苏达州退伍军人法案

  • The 联邦退伍军人法案 is a program that provides up to 36/48 months of benefits to be used to pay for college degrees, 证书, and diplomas in trades or for transfer to a university.
  • The MN GI Bill is a state program that provides post-secondary financial assistance to all eligible MN veterans attending an MN college.

Federal 学费 Assistance (FTA) 应用程序的细节.
FTA is a federal program for active duty and reserve 服务 members that pays for tuition only within a fiscal year with 职业生涯 caps and limits.

资格审查援助 更多的细节.
资格审查援助 is financial assistance to help 服务 members​ pursue licensure, 认证, or apprenticeship credentials.

State 学费 Reimbursement (STR) Contact your Unit Administrator for more Details.
STR is a state program for MN National Guard members that reimburses you for tuition costs after successful course completion


We recognize that the transition from military to civilian life can be challenging. Saint Paul College provides critical resources to help veterans with these transitions. Our on-campus resources include Mental 健康 counselors with access to 服务 dogs, veteran staff and faculty members, and support resources in our 退伍军人 Center. We also work closely with off-campus organizations, including:

One Click Away From Your Future
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